Lister Shearing, official sponsor for the 2019 World Championship !
It's official, Lister Shearing will be the sponsor for the shearing equipment used in the 2019 World Sheep Shearing Championship, many thanks to them !!...
Press kit : World sheep shearing and woolhandling championship 2019
A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE AMTM « For the first time since it began 40 years ago, the World Sheep Shearing Championships is coming to France in 2019. After two years of reflection, the team...
Hand crank shearing machine at the Royal Welsh !
Ok, we're going back a few years now, aren't we?! #ledorat2019 #tontedemoutons #mondialdetonte #madeforshearing ...
The AMTM at the RWAS
It's training, training and more training, the machine shearing competition starts tomorrow at the Royal Welsh Show!!! With Eléonore Resneau Thimoleon Resneau Christophe Riffaud and Jack Fagan. ...
Countdown to 2019 Golden Shear’s World Championship in France !
It’s the 4th of July today, and that means there are just 365 days until the start of the 2019 World championship! Let the countdown...
Inspiration Haute Vienne : The World championship sheep shearing
The magazine Inspiration Haute Vienne writes about our World championship in 2019. You can find and download the pdf here : InspirationHteVienne...
Press Release : 2566 ewes have been shorn
Press Release : 2566 ewes have been shorn 2566 ewes have been shorn during 24 hours of non-stop shearing, with 2 teams of 3 shearers working in relay, 6 tonnes of wool, 85 volunteers, 6 national...
The World Championship and 24-hour sheep shearing event under the High Patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture
In 2017, Invercargill, New Zealand, France's bid to host the Golden Shear's World Sheep Shearing and Woolhandling Championship was accepted. In 2019, Le Dorat will host the World Championship for...
The 24-hour Sheep Shearing Record : Friday 8 and Saturday 9 June 2018
FRIDAY 8 JUNE 2018 : From 6.00 pm onwards the boxes start to get filled out !!!! The sheep are arriving ! Just a few more minutes until the competition begins ! Christophe Riffaud presents the...
Voice of America : 24-hours sheep shearing
"Sheep shearers participating on Friday (June 8) in the "24 Heures de la Tonte" competition in France attempted to shear more than 2,000 sheep in 24 straight hours. The competition started on...